
Drop Out Flocculant Qt

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $12.99.


1 Quart Clearview Drop Out Flocculant

Drop Out

Collects cloud causing particles that are too small to be trapped by the pool filter.


  • Proprietary formula
  • Drops both live and dead suspended matter to the bottom of the pool where it can be easily vacuumed
  • Lowers excessive total dissolved solids without effect on other balancers
  • Promotes sparkling clear water
  • Lowers maintenance cost

1. For very cloudy pools, add one quart of CLEARVIEW “DROP OUT” per 40,000 gallons of water
surface area with the filter system operating.
2. After one hour shut pump off.
3. The suspended particles will fall to the bottom and the water will be clear. The next day, vacuum
the pool to waste.
4. Initial vacuuming may force some particles back into temporary suspension. They will settle again
and an additional vacuuming may be necessary.